Privacy policy  – Terms and conditions

Publishing Company: Go Study Abroad
E-mail: [email protected]

Host website is guarantee by OVH with location: 12, The Courtyard, Carmanhall Rd, Sandyford Industrial Estate, Sandyford, Dublin 18, Irlanda

Please consult Go Study Abroad’s Site terms and conditions and Privacy policy.

Up to date

Last update: 26th of June 2019. Up to date

Site terms and conditions

These general conditions of use (the “Terms and Conditions”) are intended to define the terms and conditions under which, on the one hand, Go Study Abroad makes available the website with URL (the “Website”), and the services available on the Website and, on the other hand, the manner in which any person using the Website (the “User”) accesses the Website and uses its services.

The User hereby agrees to the Terms of Use in force at the time of his visit to the Website and agrees to comply with them. In case of disagreement, please do not use the Website. We are under no obligation to make the Website available and we can not be held responsible for any unavailability, total or partial, of the Website, at any time and for any duration, whatever the reason.

If you are seeking to instruct Go Study Abroad for the provision of recruitment services, our standard terms and conditions shall apply (copy available upon request).

Obligations of the User: Any act performed by the User to hinder the proper functioning of the Website or to prevent, complicate or delay its use is strictly prohibited and may lead to civil or criminal proceedings initiated by Go Study Abroad. The User does not have the right, in particular, to put on the Website executable program files or scripts (for example in cgi, peri and php format), to send unwanted emails such as junk or spam , to spread viruses, worms or Trojan horses, etc.

Obligations of the User Candidate: The User who has filed on the Website any document detailing in particular his career, his training and his personal interests (the “Candidate User”) undertakes to to indicate or not to disseminate in any form whatever information or contents in conformity with reality and concerning him personally. The Candidate User may not publish personal information about third parties without their prior express consent. In any case, the responsibility of Go Study Abroad can not be sought in this respect.

Copyright and copyrights: This entire site is subject to Mexican and international copyright and intellectual property laws. All rights of reproduction are reserved. Reproduction of all or part of this site on any medium whatsoever is strictly prohibited.

Availability of offers: Go Study Abroad does not guarantee the availability of all offers mentioned in this website.

Liability: The information and / or documents appearing on the Website and / or accessible through the Website come from sources considered reliable. However, this information and / or documents may contain inaccuracies and typographical errors. The accuracy, completeness, timeliness of this information and / or documents can not be guaranteed. Go Study Abroad reserves the right to correct them as soon as these errors are brought to its attention. It is strongly recommended to check the accuracy and relevance of the information and / or documents made available on the Website.

In particular, the job offers presented on the Website are provided by Go Study Abroad partners. This information is placed under the sole responsibility of the partners. In case of error, inaccuracies or inaccuracies, the responsibility of Go Study Abroad can not be engaged in this respect.

Personal data of the user: Please consult our policy of Protection of Personal Data.

Changes: These Terms of Use may be amended from time to time and your use of the Website is subject to the terms and conditions applicable to each of your access to the Website and its Content. We recommend that you periodically review these Terms of Use to ensure that you understand the content.

Governing Law and Jurisdiction: This website was created in Mexico. By using this website, you agree to the terms of use described above. Any dispute concerning the interpretation or the execution of a contractual commitment envisaged on the present site will be the exclusive competence of the Mexican courts applying the Mexican law (LFPDP).

Contact: Questions, comments and requests regarding these Terms of Use are welcome and should be addressed to [email protected]

Privacy Policy for Go Study Abroad

placement service

As a Candidate User, you will give us your internship application. We treat all internship applications that are addressed to us with the utmost professionalism and ethics. Accordingly, we invite you to read the following statements and to accept them without reservation.

Personal data we collect about you

The personal data that you entrust on this site are exclusively intended for the treatment of your internship application and may be used to present your internship application to our Partners. These allow us to inform you of job opportunities in the most appropriate way possible according to your wishes and skills, and to send you our advice and information related to your internship search abroad.

Only personal data relating to your professional skills or any specifics of your working conditions are necessary for this purpose. The data processed in this context are the following: surname, first name, postal and electronic addresses, telephone numbers, CV and professional skills. Failing to provide the aforementioned personal data, the Candidate User may not benefit from all or part of the services offered by the Website.

The security of your data

We aim to always keep your personal data in the safest and most secure way, and only for the time necessary to achieve the purpose of the processing. In this perspective, we take the appropriate physical, technical and organizational measures to prevent as much as possible any alteration or loss of your data or unauthorized access to them.

Updating your data

In order to optimize the chances that we offer you internship opportunities that might interest you, we thank you for informing us by e-mail of any modification concerning your contact details, your mobility research or more generally your situation. A lack of information on your part would be likely to compromise the good treatment of your file.

Shelf life of personal data

Go Study Abroad undertakes to provide the best efforts and all the means in its possession to ensure the security of the personal data stored. Go Study Abroad observes the following shelf life:

  • Data required for the processing of applications for internships and more generally any measure necessary to establish the recruitment of the User Candidate: 12 months from the last contact;
  • User Data on the use of the Website: 3 months.

At the end of the time given, your personal data will be deleted from our computer database.

Your rights of access, communication, rectification, updating and deletion of your personal data

In accordance with the Data Protection Act of 6 January 1978 and Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and the the free circulation of these data, you can lodge a complaint with the CNIL, withdraw your consent and exercise your rights of access, rectification, opposition, forgetfulness, limitation and portability with Go Study Abroad to the the following email address [email protected].

Communication and transfer of your personal data

In order to facilitate the presentation of your profile to our partners not established in France and to ensure the technical processing of resumes received by our trainee placement agency, we inform you that, as part of the treatment of your internship application, Go Study Abroad will be able to transfer all or part of your personal data to our partners whether or not established in the national territory.

This information that you entrust to Go Study Abroad will thus be likely to be processed or studied in the countries where our partners are: Colombia, Costa Rica, France, Germany, Greece, Guatemala, Ireland, Maldives, Malta, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Netherlands, United Kingdom, Uruguay, Czech Republic, Ecuador.

You have the possibility to oppose all or part of these transfers in the same conditions as provided above.

Communications sent by email

We only use your e-mail address for information on the courses reserved for your internship application or to inform you of internship opportunities abroad.

Your details will not be communicated to external partners or exploited for commercial purposes or advertising prospecting.

Validity of the information you give us

By submitting your internship application on our site, you agree to provide sincere and real information about your career, the diplomas you obtained, the duration of the positions you held and the nature of the contracts you held We you specify that Go Study Abroad or our partners may check the validity of all this information during the recruitment process.

IP addresses and cookies

We collect information about your computer, including (where possible), your IP address, operating system, and browser type, for system administration purposes. This is statistical data about the browsing habits and behaviors of our users who do not identify you or any other individual.

For the same purpose, we may obtain information related to your general use of the Internet, using a cookie file deposited and stored on your device. Cookies help us improve the Website and provide better, more personalized content. For more information about the use of cookies on the Website, please refer to our Cookie Policy.

If you share your computer with others, we advise you not to select the “remember me” option when it is offered by the Website.

Contact: Questions, comments and requests regarding these Terms of Use of your personal data are welcome and should be addressed to [email protected].

Respond to web browser “do not track” signals

Go Study Abroad does not track its customers over time and across third party websites to provide focused advertising and therefore does not respond to Do Not Track (DNT) signals. Nevertheless, some third party sites, do keep track of your browsing activities when they serve you content, which enables them to tailor what they present to you (like “Google Analitycs” ).

Your web browser allows you to set the DNT signal on your browser so that third parties  know you do not want to be tracked.

How to enable Do Not Track


Go to Preferences
Select the Privacy tab
Check the box underneath the Tracking title: “Tell web sites I do not want to be tracked”

Go to Preferences
Go to Settings and select “Show advanced settings..”
Under the Privacy title, check the “Send a Do Not Track request with your browsing traffic” box and then click OK if a pop-up appears.

Internet Explorer 10

Open Internet Options
Go to Advanced tab
At the Security section, check the “Always send Do Not Track header*” box.

Open the Preferences menu
Go to Advanced and then Security
Check the “Ask websites not to track me” box.

Click on Preferences
Go to the Privacy tab
Check the “Ask websites not to track me” box.

In addition you check ” How to refuse cookies ?” 

It is found in the next part.

 Use of cookies

This page tells you what you can expect when Go Study Abroad collects personal information. When you visit we gather information about the internet history and the details of the patterns of behavior. We do this to determine the number of visitors to different parts of the site. These cookies do not collect any information to identify you. All information collected is aggregated and therefore anonymous.

What is a cookie ?

Cookies are text files that are placed on your computer by the websites you visit. They are used to make websites work and improve the usability of these sites.

What are the cookies on our site for?

Go Study Abroad uses cookies to make the visit of the User easier and more enjoyable. Go Study Abroad does not use cookies to store personal information or to disclose information to third parties.

Go Study Abroad uses cookies necessary for the operation of the service and allowing the User to browse the Website as well as cookies for measuring audience and analytics in order to identify where Users are coming from and to establish anonymous dating statistics .

The data are collected for a maximum of 13 months in accordance with the recommendations of the CNIL. The deposit of cookies is subject to the consent of the User. The User expresses his consent when he has seen the banner of information about cookies as posted on his first visit to the Website and chooses to continue browsing the Website.

Cookies used on

The cookies used by Go Study Abroad are given below, including the details of their purpose and other information that may be useful to you.

Audience cookies: allow you to count visitors and identify how they use the site. They are deposited and read on the user’s computer and as soon as he / she accesses a website using the “Google Analytics” service. The data collected is transmitted and stored by Google Inc., which adheres to the Privacy Shield, ensures an adequate level of protection of your personal data. The data generated by these cookies concern your use of the website and your IP address in order to determine the connection city. (This data is completely anonymous). For more information on the Google Analytics service, you can visit: Google Analytics – Protecting Your Data.

  • Type: Third Party of Google Inc.
  • Purpose: Google Analytics defines cookies to enable us to track the use of the pages and services of our sites.
  • Data collected: Duration of visits, pages viewed, location, operating system, browser, access path, number of visits
  • Link with personal data? No
  • Shelf life: Permanent

Social network cookies: we invite you to consult the general conditions of use of these social networks.

  • Type: Third-party cookie
  • Purpose: Create a link to / with social networks. Allow you to sign in to social networks when the sharing option has been enabled. You may choose to accept or decline these cookies, but refusing cookies may prevent you from gaining access to certain “social” sharing and interaction features.
  • Data collected: We invite you to consult the privacy policies of these social networks to learn the purpose of use, including advertising, navigation information they can collect through these application buttons
  • Shelf life: The lifespan of these cookies does not exceed 13 months.

In addition, the Website may contain links to third party sites. If you follow a link to any of these sites, please note that they are subject to their own privacy policies and cookie policies, and that we disclaim any responsibility or liability for such policies. . Refer to these policies before disclosing any personal data to third party sites.

How to refuse cookies?

You have different ways to manage cookies. Any setting that you may undertake may change your browsing on our Website and on the Internet in general. You may at any time express and modify your wishes regarding cookies by the means described below.

  • For Mozilla Firefox: “Tool” menu, then “Options”> “Privacy” icon> “Cookie” menu, then select the appropriate option.
  • For Microsoft Internet Explorer: “Tools” menu> “Internet Options”> “Privacy” tab> selection of the desired level.
  • For Google Chrome: “Settings” menu> Show advanced settings> “Privacy”> “Content settings” and then select the appropriate options.
  • For Safari: “Edit”> “Preference” menu> click on “Security”> “Show Cookies”> Select the relevant cookies and click on “Delete” or “Delete all”.


If you live or work outside Mexico or you have a complaint concerning our activities outside Mexico, you may prefer to lodge a complaint with a different supervisory authority. A list of relevant authorities in the EEA and the European Free Trade Area can be accessed

Contact: Questions, comments and requests regarding the present Cookie Management are welcome and should be addressed to [email protected]

 Your California Privacy Rights

California regulation permits users who are California residents to request and acquire from us once a year, free of charge, a list of the third parties to whom we have disclosed their “Personal Information” (as defined in California Civil Code 1798.83) for direct marketing purposes in the prior calendar year, as well as the types of Personal Information disclosed to those parties.

Also If you are a California resident and would like to request this information  please submit your request in an e-mail to [email protected]

This request must include “California Privacy Rights Request” like subject’s email.

Moreover, residents of other states of U.S.A may have specific rights concerning their personally identifiable information, and Go Study Abroad will comply with all legal guidelines concerning these rights.

Material changes to this Private Policy

Our Privacy Policy may be updated from time to time, and we will notify you of any material changes by posting the new Privacy Policy on the Site. If we make any material adjustments we will notify you by means of a notice on the website prior to the change becoming effective. We encourage you to review this Privacy Policy periodically and to make note of the date of the most recent revision. If you disagree with the style in which we intend to use the private data you present to us, you might choose out of these uses by following the directions beneath. By using this website, you agree to the terms of the Privacy Policy in effect at that time and as may be updated from time to time. Any modifications or revisions of our privacy policy will be reflected with a new effective date and will display the word “up to date” next to the privacy policy link on each page on our website.Also If you are registered in our Website’s Database and we make any change to our Private Policy so we’ll inform you via e-mail.

If you have questions or complaints regarding this Privacy Policy, please contact us at this email: [email protected]